Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bear Quilted Rag Blankets

I found this pattern, Simplicity 4993, at JoAnn's one day when they had patterns for 99 cents.  I thought it was cute so I had to buy it.  Don't mind the numbers on the examples, I was figuring out the color choices.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it until this past year I thought these would make great Christmas gifts for the kids in our extended family.  The pattern is very easy and simple, just a little time consuming because of the many pieces you have to cut and all the stitching you have to put in it.

I decided to do all bears since I wasn't sure which kid liked which animal.  I figured bears were pretty safe.
I used cotton flannel for the top and bottom layers with polyester batting in the middle.  After a blanket was finished it had to be wased several times to get an loose thread from the fabric out, this makes it a rag blanket.

This is the first one I made.  I did brown since it was for a boy.  I just used 4 different colors/patterns, five if you include the black for the eyes.  It has a mouth but it's hard to see in this picture.  I need to get better at taking pictures,  I almost forgot to take them and had to unwrap some.  

I made three different ones for the three girls I made blankets for.

Again this one has a mouth but it is not showing in the picture.   I thought the eyes in the first one were too close together so I spaced these ones further apart.  Both look fine to me.  I don't like the choice of fabric for the paws, or maybe not for all four.  

This is my favorite I think.  The same colors didn't get clumped together, it feels more balanced. 

And this is the last one.  I think they all turned out pretty well and the kids seemed to like them which was the most important part.  These blankets can be used as a blanket or just a throw on a bed, the floor, or on some kind of seating.  They are pretty big and would mostly cover a twin bed.

I did make one cat blanket after Christmas for my friend's daughter's birthday, I knew she liked cats.


  1. Hi Sarah my name is Santanna an I am in love with the bear blankets but I don't kno how to make them an I dont hav the patients so I was wondering if you could possible make two for me an I would buy them?

    1. I apologize, I thought that my reply posted but I don't see it here. This is late but I can make this kind of blanket for you. The cost would be $75 each and then shipping costs. I've seen other people sell this type of blanket as well on, search for teddy bear rag quilt. There are also other types of animals that can be made. If you interested please email me at . I apologize again for the late response.
